Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Boys

The boys had their well child exams today. Here are their stats!

Caleb's 3 yr old stats:
Weight: 35.5# (84%)
Height: 39 in. (86%)
Caleb had a tractor birthday party. It was a hard decision for him--it was between tractors and Lightening McQueen:) He is such a fun little guy. Some of his favorite things to say are:
"I sure can!"
"Mommy I love you"
"Chloe's being mean and I'm nice!"
"Daddy come play with me"
"I love Baby Cameron"

He also loves talking about anything related to cars, trucks, tractors, or equipment of any kind. He's just recently began counting everything he can--he counts up to 12 and then starts over again! He still sleeps with his beloved "froggie" but moved from his toddler bed into the bunk bed this past summer. He isn't in big boy "pants" yet but hopefully that'll come soon!

Cameron's 4 month stats:
Weight: 14# 8oz (27%)
Height: 25.25 in. (46%)
Head Circ: 16.25 in. (16%)

Cameron is definitely our smallest kiddo! Both Chloe & Caleb were 90th% for everything! Cameron is a happy, content little guy & loves watching all of the action here. Other things he likes: his swing, attention from his big brother & big sister, riding in a carrier with mom or dad, and getting his neck tickled!

Monday, December 19, 2011


I loved this video from Ann Voskamp's blog. Enjoy!

the cross in christmas from tammi dryden on Vimeo.

Chloe's Debut in Church

Chloe sang in church for the first time yesterday. She did an awesome job!! She did all of the actions and we were so proud of her! Caleb voiced concern that she was holding hands with a boy on the way out of church. I think he is going to be a little protector!! Thanks to Angie for getting this awesome picture...we were sitting WAY in the back!!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Caleb is 3!!!

Caleb turned 3 yesterday! We had a day at home (my only day at home all week!!!) and then went out later to celebrate. Here is how my little guy celebrated...

Breakfast in his PJs....a homemade cinnamon roll (Thanks Aunt Tasha!!) complete with a candle. During the morning I had to laugh because I looked around and this was such a typical day for us that I had to get it on camera...what Caleb's life is like as a 3 year old...

His little brother Cameron in the swing watching everybody...

His big sister Chloe reading books...

The birthday boy playing with his trucks and cars...

His Mommy folding laundry...

Now the pictures of his birthday that aren't a typical day for us...let the celebration begin! He wanted Subway to eat (he chose this over McDonalds!!)

Then we headed to the Fun Factory where he and Chloe had a blast!

Even Cameron liked the Fun Factory!!
Then back home where he opened a few presents. What a great day!!

We had Caleb's birthday party a few weekends ago...I'll post pictures of that soon!!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Punt Family 2011

We took some pictures on the link to see our slide show!

The Punt Family 2011