Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Top Ten Things We Learned Going Fishing

10. Fishing is not exactly relaxing with young children. Sharp hooks and water...need I say more?!?

9. Chloe IS my daughter (oh wait...we already knew that:) Note the posture with her first fish!

8. Little boys love to be with their Daddy.

7. My Dad is squeamish with worms! Who knew?!?

6. Experimenting with my new camera is REALLY fun!

5. As long as he is fishing Caleb doesn't care that the pole is pink and purple.

4.Knowing where there are plenty of blue gills makes for a VERY successful fishing trip with kids

3. These sunglasses are really cool

2. A beautiful day even seems to calm sibling rivalry

1. A few moments of doing something you love can be incredibly refreshing (and make one pretty cool picture!).


Tasha Yepsen said...

Awesome pics Sheila! I love that last one! Must have gotten your dream camera?

roduns said...

very cute post, SP

Angie said...

That's cute- I agree, we love to fish as a family and though it isn't always relaxing, it IS always fun!