Friday, December 21, 2012

Caleb Turns 4!!

We started out his big day with a present at breakfast. He was thrilled with his new monster truck!

Caleb had requested monkey bread for breakfast. Birthday wish granted!

Caleb was so excited that Grandpa Rog and Grandma Judy came to help celebrate his birthday!

He had requested a cake with monster trucks on top of it. Daddy even helped with the cause by smashing some of his old matchbox cars!!!

Here he 4 year old!!!
When my kids have a birthday I always like to make a little list of their favorites and what they are really into right now. Here is a glimpse into Caleb's life...

Favorite Birthday Activity: The Pinata. I wish I would have shot a video of him going after that pinata. I never knew he could swing a bat like that!!!
Favorite Foods: Mac and Cheese, Corn on the Cob (he requests this all the time), HAM, and all kinds of fruit.
Favorite Video: The monster truck video from the library that we just watched about Big Foot. He says he never wants it to go back to the library.
Favorite Toys: Trucks of all trucks, construction trucks, farm equipment...
Favorite Things to do Outside: Dig in the sandbox, ride his bicycle, help Daddy work in the dirt.
Favorite TV Show: Curious George
Favorite "School" Activities: Putting together puzzles and making artwork. He absolutely loves stickers, paint, markers, and glue!
Favorite Sledding Partner: Chloe. He absolutely adores his older sister!
Favorite Bedtime Stalling Technique: "Mommy, Daddy, let me give you a back rub." It works almost every time!!!
Favorite Item to List for his Christmas List: A Robot that can scratch his back and pick up toys. He's not joking. He thinks this thing should exist...
Favorite Quote: "I'm stronger than Daddy."
Favorite Book: This is a hard one. Most recent favorites from the library have been "The Knight and the Dragon" and "Julius, The Baby of the World". One of his other favorites is "Peter Pan".
Favorite Thing to Say When Asked What he Wants to be When he Grows Up: "Someone who works on old things (mostly speaking about cars and trucks) and makes them new again."
Favorite Thing To Say When He Doesn't Want to Do Something: "I'll do that when I turn 4". We'll see what he says now!!!

We Love You Caleb!! Happy Birthday my December baby!!!

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