Thursday, July 15, 2010


My kids fight...ughhh...I wish it weren't true but they do...and they fight ALOT!!! So today as I was trying to clean up after breakfast I go into the living room in the middle of a fight going like this...

Chloe steals Caleb's tractor...
Caleb screaming loudly...
Chloe saying "I'm going to be on this tractor for 40 days and 40 nights"
Caleb screaming at her loudly...
Chloe saying "Yes, 40 days and 40 nights"
More screaming...

Not exactly the moral of the story about Noah's ark Chloe but glad you retained something I guess....

1 comment:

roduns said...

That is super duper funny. I might be giggling about that all day long.

The fighting is not so giggle-worthy. Just this morning the boys were fighting over milk. Jordan seems to prefer Ethan's sippy and there were some serious rolling-on-the-floor, limb-slinging, scream-filled tusseling going on. And little 14-1/2 month Jordan was delivering some real zingers to his 3-yr old brother. I'm scared for the future.