Friday, July 22, 2011

What I'm hearing from the backseat...

The kids both got haircuts today and did awesome. Caleb sat in the chair by himself for the first time (although he still wanted Mommy to stand nearby and hold his hand:) This is the conversation that I heard from the backseat on the way home...

Chloe: "Caleb, you look kinda handsome with your new haircut."
Caleb: "NO!"
Chloe: "Handsome, handsome, handsome"
Caleb: "NO, NO, NO!!!"
Chloe: Singing to the tune of "The Twelve Days of Christmas": "You are so handsome, handsome, handsome..."
Caleb: Now screaming and shaking his head violently: "NO!!!!!"

The simultaneous singing and screaming continued for most of the way home...


roduns said...

That gave me a good long chuckle. Priceless!

Amy Reeder said...

So cute!! And I love your blog!!! How soon are you due with baby #3?? Congrats!!!