Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Prayer Request

Hi All!
I just wanted to send out a prayer request for all of the Punt blog readers to be in prayer for my Grandma. This past Saturday she fell in a hole while trying to pick some apples at my Uncle's house and broke her ankle in 3 places. She laid there for quite awhille before anyone found her (my Uncle wasn't home) and even tried to push her ankle back into place so that she could walk (OUCH!!). Early Sunday morning she had surgery at Mercy and she is still currently at Mercy. The surgery went well but it's going to be difficult for her to get around for awhille which will be VERY hard for my active Grandma (she can keep up with Chloe--need I say more?!?). They are talking about sending her home from the hospital today so please pray for a quick recovery and patience and adjustment for my Grandma and Grandpa.
Thanks so much for reading:) Hugs to all of you!!

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