Friday, May 7, 2010


Kyle and I have been doing quite a bit of running lately. This finds us pushing our double jogging stroller which is a BEAR to push uphill! Anyways, Chloe always wants to get out and run with us and we normally let her run when we're pretty close to home. So for this year's Klompen Classic we signed up Kyle, Chloe, and me. Here are a couple of pics of her running the Kids' Klompen. She was very proud to get a popsicle at the end! Thankfully Daddy ran with her or I doubt she would have ran as it was somewhat chaotic and overwhelming (even for us!). Unfortunately, I'm under the weather this week with a sore throat, cough, and headache and it pretty much killed me to have to watch the 5K...especially since I've actually been running and felt prepared!! There's always next year I guess! Kyle ran pretty well...came in right at 22 minutes. Tulip Time is here!!!

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