Both kids hiding under our winter comforter and mattress pad (that need to be laundered & put away!!) Caleb obviously thought he was completely hidden as I had time to get the camera and take a picture!!!
And since I've got a post going here anyways I need to include some of Caleb's most recent quotes (yes, he has started speaking ALL the TIME...I think a new word comes out of his mouth on a daily basis!) Most of the things he says makes Kyle say, "He is a funny kid!"
In the van..."Me tummy hurt; me strapped in too tight."
At bedtime..."Love you!"
As I'm telling my mom that he was coughing throughout the night..."Not too loud!"
In bed..."Me need froggie."
In a public restroom when someone else comes in the door..."Whobody??" (His own unique little word:)
Before needing to go to the public restroom..."Mommy, me poopy."
As you can tell, most of his sentences start with "me":)
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