Monday, June 27, 2011

My Goofball

Caleb is so incredibly funny lately. Here is his story from last night...

Caleb: (Zooming around his apple slice on the table) "Vroom, vroom"
Me: What is that Caleb?
Caleb: A boat.
Me: Yeah, it IS shaped like a boat isn't it?
Caleb: (Stopping the boat abruptly and turning it over) Mommy fall out!
Me: Oh no!
Caleb: (In reassuring voice) No whale Mommy, no whale.
Me: Who is going to rescue me?
Caleb: God. (proceeds to eat apple slice)

The End.


Lynnette said...

Super cute!

Angie said...

I love Chole's new 4 year old picture on the blog site...kinda black & white...very nice! Who took it?

roduns said...

that's great!!!